Find People You Believe In, and Do Everything You Can to Support Them

I’ve been investing and operating for 40 years.
It’s in my DNA. It’s my passion.
In Dec 2016, we acquired Standard Precast, a manufacturer of precast concrete drainage products, partnering with AAVIN Equity Advisors, LLC. The business had been owned for decades by a family and, similar to other businesses in the lower middle market, there was a lot of heavy lifting to do.

There’s a fine balance we need to have as investors with operational experience.

Sometimes you need to step in as interim management and have all hands on deck.

However, we have to fight the urge to get too involved in day-to-day operations, and this simply comes down to finding best management available.

We found Stephen De Bever and he took the business to the next level.

Find people you believe in, people you have a strong conviction about.

Do everything you can to support them.


WoodLake Hosted A&D Webinar


“If you don’t see I can do the job, fire me in 6 months.”